Criminal Law
Most frequent questions and answers
No. We offer free initial consultation for 15 minutes. You don’t need to pay us anything until you sign up with us.
Depending on what you’ve been charged with and what your instructions are, whether you wanted to plead guilty or not, there are different ways to handle your matter. Give us a quick call and we’ll let you know the next step.
Ensuring you appear in court on the date shown on the notice to appear, complaint and summons, or bail undertaking is of paramount importance. Failure to do so can leave you liable for extra charges, and in some cases, warrants being released for your arrest.
Depending on the seriousness of your offence. You may want to seek legal advice before you make any decisions at the court. Some minor offences does not required legal representative. We will let you know whether legal representative is recommended.
We understand how stressful and urgent the situation could be. Let us know your situation so that we may agree to cap the legal fees or enter into other agreement that you are comfortable with.
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